How would it feel to have an inbox overflowing with quality leads who are dying to work with you?

Say Goodbye to Cold Calls and Hello to Hot Leads: Transform Your Real Estate Business with a Lead Generating YouTube Channel.


What's the most significant difference between the agent with a YouTube channel, who wakes up with an inbox full of quality leads begging to work with them...

...and those who are still cold-calling (and getting hung up on), spending big $$ on ads, or buying unqualified leads from you-know-who?

...and those who are still cold-calling (and getting hung up on), spending big $$ on ads, or buying unqualified leads from you-know-who?

  • If you guessed that they were born knowing how to shine on’d be wrong.
  • If you guessed that it was their uber-glam backdrop or supermodel good’d be wrong.
  • If you guessed it’s their TikToking teenagers running the’d be wrong.
  • And if you guessed that it was their high-powered team, their high-end camera setup, or the market they’re’d still be wrong.
  • Because while any of these things might help, they don’t guarantee you instant success.

“I really want clients to chase me for a change.”

How long have you been trying to get clients from cold calls, Facebook friends from high school, or other worn-out, old-school strategies? (Looking at you, door-knocking.)

A week? A month? ...or has it been years?

Every Monday, you sit down with a piping-hot latte from the Starbucks drive-through and promise that THIS will be the week you fill your pipeline to bursting.

After all, everyone tells you that real estate is supposed to be good money, right?

  • So you run an ad on Facebook...and get a bunch of leads... Who is planning to buy a home—three years from now (maybe)?
  • Or you pay for low-quality leads—from companies that have their sights set on undermining your business to begin with.

And worst of all, you spend tons and tons of time chasing people who don't answer the phone, don't reply to texts or open your emails, or just flat-out give you fake contact information.

You’re stuck on a treadmill that’s missing an off button.

It's not that you're lazy or incapable...

You just can't sell properties if you have nobody to sell them to.

You’re thiiiiis close to resorting to heading over to the supermarket with your name tag upside down in hopes that some unsuspecting person in the produce section just happens to have “A daughter who’s looking to buy a million-dollar home!”

You and I both know it doesn’t usually work like that in real life. And even if it did... do you really want to be that person?

Besides, it’s a new day: Millennial and Gen Z homebuyers use their cell phones to research and find agents and screen the calls from numbers they don’t know.

And door-knocking? They’ve got a Ring camera set up, and if it’s not an Amazon package or a DoorDash delivery, they stay put on the sofa.

So if you've ever thought to yourself, "I just can't make one more cold call,"... then I have great news.

WHAT IF YOU Had A System That Met New Clients For You... And Turned Them Into Raving Fans?

Just imagine... before you even get out of bed in the morning, you open your inbox to find a message from a new lead who found you through your YouTube™ Channel.

They live overseas, but an upcoming job transfer requires a new home in your area.

A YouTube™ search led them to your video about what it’s REALLY like to live in your town, and after watching it, they were your biggest fan.

Now they’re asking whether you have time to chat today!

You’ve paid your dues. (Think of how many open houses you’ve rocked over the years.)

You need a system that works for you to attract new leads...while you’re sleeping...

Or helping your kids with their schoolwork...

Or even while you’re on vacation touring castles in Ireland—or toasting with margaritas in Mexico.

You’ve paid your dues. (Think of how many open houses you’ve rocked over the years.)

You need a system that works for you to attract new leads...while you’re sleeping...

Or helping your kids with their schoolwork...

Or even while you’re on vacation touring castles in Ireland—or toasting with margaritas in Mexico.

You’ve paid your dues. (Think of how many open houses you’ve rocked over the years.)

You need a system that works for you to attract new leads...while you’re sleeping...

Or helping your kids with their schoolwork...

Or even while you’re on vacation touring castles in Ireland—or toasting with margaritas in Mexico.

You’ve worked hard to establish yourself, and now you have new goals:

I’m talking about...

Buying your OWN dream home—whether that means a white picket fence or an ultramodern condo

Making sure that the kids’ college accounts are ready to go when they get accepted to their number-one school

Sitting on a beach for a few weeks every January to get rid of the winter blues

Hiring an assistant to do all of that paperwork—or maybe a few agents so you can step back a bit

Retiring your partner from the 9-5 grind at a job that they don’t love

Having quiet, work-free time with family each night—while your phone’s set to Do Not Disturb

Finally, purchasing an investment property (or two or three) of your own

Taking that bucket list trip to Italy—without having to put out fires or answer Zillow calls

But most of all, you deserve to LOVE your business—and your clients...

Not being hung up on before you can even say, “Do you know anyone who IS looking to buy a home right now?”

...or having a door slammed in your face...

...or twitching every time your phone buzzes after 5 PM...or 7...or 9.

I'm Ready to Enroll!

The 5 Reasons You’re STILL Using “Old School” Methods of Getting Leads

Myth #1: You need to be all things to everyone (or the phone will stop ringing, and the work will stop coming).

If you were anything like me when I started out, you’re terrified that if you start focusing on one group of people, you’ll miss out on THE lead that will change everything.

So instead of niching down, you try to be EVERYONE’s real estate agent. Retirees? Love it! You’ll work with them. Military relocations? No problem. Them too. First-time homebuyers? Second-home purchasers? Investment properties? Short sales? Seven-figure purchases? You’ll work with anyone and everyone.

Do you know what marketing pros say when they hear that?

“When you market to everyone, you market to no one.”

When you focus on one specific group of clients, you become THE go-to person for that market... And then the phone never stops ringing.

Myth #2: Video marketing is for 22-year-old influencers and charismatic celebrities...not the rest of us.

Maybe you’re thinking about how your roots are showing because you haven’t been to the salon in months.

Maybe you haven’t been hitting the gym as often as you used to (or at all).

Or maybe you consider yourself an introvert and don’t think video is FOR people like you.

The reality creates connection. And people connect to people they relate to.

The more relatable you are, the more trust you command, and the more people want to work with you.

Myth #3: You need to be EVERYWHERE online.

You know you SHOULD be marketing online, but you can’t actually bring yourself to get started.

Because if you have to do Facebook Lives, maintain an Instagram account full of staged home pics, record videos for YouTube, and choreograph dances for TikTok (wait, WHAT??) You’ll not have any time to do the actual work of selling homes.

But the truth is that you can market yourself successfully online by focusing on ONE platform.

Myth #4: You need to change everything you’ve been doing for years and years.

You’re not alone. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.

When things aren’t working right—when your pipeline goes totally dry, and you’re thinking about whether it’s time to start pounding the pavement again, business cards in hand—it’s tempting to tear everything down and start over.

But the truth is that you’ve worked HARD for your expertise. Instead of reinventing yourself, you need to take what you’ve already learned and apply it to a new method of selling.

Myth #5: You must have your phone by your side at all hours (even when you’re in the shower) or risk losing leads—or clients.

We’re all guilty of this one. And why is that?

Because when your picture pops up beside a property on The Big Real Estate Site, and someone fills out the little form that says “Contact Agent,” three OTHER real estate agents get that lead and blow up that person’s phone right away, trying to be the first.

And boom! Now we’ve trained them to think that we will respond to their inquiry within two seconds every single time.

So when they call, and you don't answer because you're in the middle of dinner, your daughter's ballet recital, or you’re actually sleeping like a real human...they start to think that you're not responsive, so they’re going to go find somebody else.

Real talk: Nothing is happening at ten o'clock at night in the real estate market.

When you stop relying on leads purchased from Zee Big Real Estate Site or its competitors, you can set yourself up as an authority—and set your own boundaries and working hours.

If you’re not doing video, then what ARE you doing?

I’m here to tell you:

YouTube™ will help you get “discovered” by people who want to work with you because they feel like they already know and like you

And when you have a roadmap for YouTube™ success, you’ll be able to:

  • Stop relying on outdated, hard-selling methods of finding leads that leave you (and your prospects) feeling icky
  • Attract leads that TRUST you intuitively because they feel like you’re an old friend
  • “Work” even when you’re not working—because your videos are available 24/7 and searchable for any potential clients to see
  • Become the go-to person for a specific group of homebuyers in your city
  • Finally, enjoy that much-talked-about “flexibility” that drove you to become an agent
  • Keep making sales while staying safe (and snug in your sweats) at home during a pandemic—no more stressing about whether you have to do open houses even when you don’t feel comfortable

Sound like a dream come true?

Not if you put in the work and follow the STEP-BY-STEP PLAN I’ve developed for you.

Hi. I’m Karin Carr. I’m a licensed REALTOR® in the beautiful city of Savannah, GA.

And I hate knocking on doors and making cold calls. I'd rather gouge my eyeballs out with a fork than cold call.

So after 12 years in the real estate biz, I started making YouTube™ videos. Simple ones, edited (by me!) using iMovie.

It didn’t take long before I was drowning in leads. Within three years, I went from being a solo agent to building a team and then expanding into new markets.

The whole time, I wasn’t buying leads. I wasn’t knocking on doors. I wasn’t running Facebook ads. I was just making videos—one every week for four years.

I firmly believe that if you commit to making videos consistently, you will see the results you’re dreaming of.

What other agents are saying about the power of working with Karin...

Ryan S.


Kaitlyn M.


Brian C.


Susan F.


Angie B.




Introducing... Video Boss Agent Academy

A complete roadmap to transform your YouTube channel into a lead-generating machine for your business!

When other agents saw how quickly my business took off after I started my YouTube™ channel, they approached me, asking me to teach them how to do it too.

Proven techniques and strategies used by thousands of agents...

  • Agents who know they need video to take their business to the next level but don’t know where to start
  • Agents who’ve realized that marketing tactics have evolved since they first got their license, and they need to keep up with the next generation of clients
  • Agents who understand that a tried-and-tested system is the best way to approach a new marketing channel
  • Agents who genuinely want to put in the work—week after week—to create a lead-generation tool that works while they sleep

The Result Is...

A tested blueprint for video success that gives you all the information you need to record, edit, and promote high-quality videos—plus the behind-the-scenes systems to ensure consistency week after week.

We have designed this program to help you keep moving forward, make progress every week, and finish all the training without becoming overwhelmed. By giving you a week's worth of content at a time, you'll be able to learn, digest, and start implementing before you move on to the next step. By week six, we will have you upload a video to your channel, so don't worry; you'll have new content for your channel in no time.

Unit 1: Foundations

In this unit, you’ll be introduced to the foundations of the Video Boss Agent Academy method and how to make the most of this course.

The goal is to create videos people want to watch that convert into clients in your market, right?

In this unit, we’ll give you the foundation to transform your business with YouTube completely.

Unit 2: Setting Up Your Channel

In this unit, you'll learn how to attract your ideal clients and the biggest secrets to reaching them with your message. 

We’ll discuss the importance of identifying a niche you love so that you can attract clients you genuinely want to work with.

We’ll also get into the nitty-gritty details of setting your YouTube channel up for success.

Unit 3: Titles and Thumbnails - Tricks to Getting Clicks

In this unit, we will discuss the importance of click-worthy titles and thumbnails.  You can have the BEST videos on the planet, but if you don’t take the time to optimize them, your ideal client won’t even know they exist.

Learn my exact strategy for getting your videos to rank on YouTube and Google.

Unit 4: You're Ready To Film

In this unit, you’ll learn the easiest camera setup options. We’ll go over exactly how to film your videos so that they are engaging, watchable, and, most importantly, convert viewers into CLIENTS!

You’ll also receive my exact scripting formula in this unit.

Unit 5: Editing Your Videos

Video editing can be a roadblock for many, but not for you!

In this unit, we discuss the importance of editing your videos for maximum engagement and how to do it. 

Whether you are going to edit your own videos or hire it out, you’ll have the tools you need to create binge-worthy content for your channel.

Unit 6: Publishing and Optimization

In this unit, we talk about best practices for uploading and optimizing videos on your YouTube channel.

Using our methodology, you can ensure that your videos have the best chance to appear at the top of YouTube and Google search results.

Unit 7: Analyzing

As a successful YouTuber, you must be a student of the platform. We’ll teach you the most important metrics to determine your videos' performance.

We’ll also show you how to use your data to generate content ideas and truly deliver what your audience wants to see so that your channel (and the number of leads rolling in) grows faster than ever before!

Not only will you get all of that, but you'll also get all of these Bonuses...

→ Private Members Community

The perfect place to connect with our VBA coaches and fellow students for feedback, support, and advice throughout your YouTube journey.

→ Video Workflow Roadmap

You'll receive a copy of my step-by-step plan system for developing video ideas, keyword research, scripting, filming, editing, publishing, and promotion. You can have an assistant (or a virtual assistant) help with all this stuff, and it will make your life a million times easier too!

→ Lead Magnets

No need to start from scratch when it comes to lead magnets! Use my plug-and-play lead magnet templates wherever you like within your sales funnel. Tweak them a bit to suit your market, then gather prospects' information immediately.

→ Tech Resources/Tools

Here’s where my four-plus years of experience as a YouTube™ creator comes in. You’ll find videos explaining the solution to common tech issues— PLUS a content calendar with enough ideas for 6 months of videos.

→ Live Trainings

Ready to do a deep dive into some of the topics discussed in modules 1-7? I regularly do hour-long live trainings for Video Boss Agent Academy members, which are recorded and available within 24hrs. We’ll go in-depth about topics like overcoming perfectionism or creating the perfect backdrop for your videos.

Plus, you’ll have access to join us live for any future trainings.

→ Video Cheatsheet

The first 5 videos you should make in four different sample niches. Whether you're helping buyers or sellers, relocation or first-timers, we've got ideas for the first videos you can make to establish yourself as an authority in your chosen specialty.

→ How To Hire A Video Editor Virtual Assistant

Yep, some amazing editors worldwide charge far less than a local would charge.

Direct access to my team and me

We’re committed to your success, so we’ll happily review your YouTube™ channel to see what's working and what's not—then provide action items you can follow to get back on track.

No Questions Asked Refund Policy

We have a 7-DAY NO QUESTIONS ASKED refund policy. If you come to me within 7 days from the date you enrolled in the course and ask for your money back, I'll give you a refund, no problem. We will refund you the amount you paid for the course.

Send an email to with a link to your YouTube™ channel, and we’ll start the refund process.

Questions your fellow agents asked before joining Video Boss Agent Academy

1. Let’s get real, Karin. How much time is this actually going to take each week?

I’m not going to mince words here: you can expect to spend anywhere from 6-8 hours creating weekly videos, especially at the beginning. If that sounds like a lot, remember that you’ve been told to spend two hours a day on prospecting.

The idea behind creating your own YouTube™ channel is that the time you spend on making videos will replace the time you spend cold-calling, door-knocking, or heading to open houses.

(Besides, when you focus on ONE marketing channel, you’ll be surprised how much time you’ll free up when you’re not trying to be on every platform simultaneously.)

2. So, if I put in the time each week, how long will it take before leads start coming in?

Listen: this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. I’d love to tell you that you’ll have leads pouring in mere days after you upload your first video, but you and I both know something this impactful takes more time than that.

So plan for it to take a few months to create videos for leads to come in. This program is for people willing to commit to consistently doing the work to get the results they want—we’ve found that it may take up to six months to yield a steady stream of leads.

It took me three months to make one video a week before I got my first phone call. In other words: it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

3. What if I don’t look like [one of the Property Brothers/a member of the Selling Sunset cast]? Is video really for me?

I hear this over and over from other real estate agents. And I get it! It’s challenging to put yourself out there on camera. I’d be lying if I told you I never fretted over gray hair or a weird angle.

But here’s the thing: ANYONE can do this, regardless of their personality (hi, introverts!) or appearance. What prospective clients really value is your knowledge and your expertise. So if you make videos about them and their needs instead of yourself, they’ll be instant fans.

And that’s what we teach you to do: make natural-sounding, informative videos that focus on answering your prospects’ questions and making them feel like you’re a trusted friend before they even pick up the phone to call you.

One other thing: I’ve taught a lot of agents to do videos and the number-one thing that predicts their success isn’t great hair, poreless skin, or a fabulous wardrobe.; it’s whether they’re willing to learn the technology, implement a system, and keep making videos, week after week.

4. Do I have to be a technology whiz to make the jump to video?

The million-dollar question! The answer is No, but you do need to be willing to learn about technology. We can teach you a lot, but if the thought of opening up a new software program sends you into a tailspin or if you want to stick to the way you’ve always done things, this program isn’t for you.

One more thing: lots of our students find it easier to outsource some aspects of making videos, such as editing or making graphics. If you have the funds to outsource, that’s absolutely fine too.

5. I’m a handshake kind of person. My old strategies were working fine before the pandemic. Do I really need to do a video?

Remember matchbooks? (Stick with me here.)

Back when people smoked cigarettes regularly, businesses of all sorts slapped their logos on matchbooks and passed them out so they'd be top of mind the next time people struck a match. But as smoking fell out of style, so did promotional matchbooks.

Today, you’re likelier to receive a branded pen, beer koozie, or reusable shopping bag.

Why am I talking about matchbooks? Because they’re an example of how marketing techniques are constantly evolving with the times.

So even if in-person networking or cold-calling has worked for you in the past, you need to be aware that the tactics you learned from your mentors may not work for people who are buying homes today.

Rather than use old-school sales tactics clients consider aggressive, why not try meeting them where they are—actively seeking out information online?

6. Why should I choose Video Boss Agent Academy?

The answer is simple: I’ve designed this program specifically for real estate agents with their needs in mind.

And we’re laser-focused on finding success via video, not teaching you how to handle every social media platform under the sun. (Spoiler alert! YouTube™ isn’t actually social’s a search engine. Which makes it waaaaay more powerful than any social platform out there.)

But maybe the most important thing is that everything I teach has worked for hundreds of other agents and me—and is still working to this day.

I don’t just teach YouTube™ to other real estate agents. I create my own videos, week after week (more than four years running!). And I have the results to prove that it works.

We update the program as best practices, strategies, and algorithms change, so you always have the most recent and relevant information at your fingertips.

Still not sure if it’s right for you?

You’re ready to start whipping up videos with Video Boss Agent Academy if...

  • You’ve been working as a real estate agent for a few years but want to ditch 1985-style lead-gen techniques. You’ve known for a while that you need to start marketing like it’s 2022(‘cause it is).
  • OR you’re brand-spanking new to real estate and want to start off on the right foot. Or maybe you’ve just moved to a new market and want to get to work immediately.
  • You’re prepared to get comfortable on camera (even if it takes some time)—and want to know what to talk about.
  • Your usual marketing methods aren’t working if you’ve been relying on face-to-face lead-gen strategies for years.
  • You aren’t easily discouraged, and you stick with a proven strategy EVEN IF you don't get results immediately.
  • You have at least 5 hours a week to devote to content creation that brings in leads like crazy (hint: chances are really, REALLY high that you’re already spending at least 5 hours a week on trying to attract customers—and it may not be working as well as you’d like).
  • You’re not afraid of technology. You don’t have to know all of the ins and outs of SEO or how to work with iMovie. We’ll teach you! But you must be willing to try new things—and follow instructions.
  • You want new leads on autopilot. If you want to keep cold-calling, door-knocking, or trying to rustle up leads in between rounds at the country club, we’re not going to stop you. But if you want a system that does the work for you, even while you’re sleeping, then Video Boss Agent Academy will get you there.

And this is NOT for you if...

  • You hate the idea of being on video, and you don’t want to step out of your comfort zone and give it a whirl.
  • You aren't willing to hire a VA to edit your videos or learn to edit them yourself. For this to work, you have to be willing to invest some time, some money, and sometimes both.
  • You're making plenty of money and don't really have time to learn a new strategy. I’m happy for you! Keep doing what’s already working.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re bound to realize that the biggest difference between hugely successful agents on YouTube™ and those who keep falling back on the “old ways” of getting leads is...

A rock-solid system for creating video content—week after week.

Can you do it without Video Boss Agent Academy? You bet. (I did, after all.) But it will cost you lots of trial and error, not to mention precious hours Googling things like “how to make thumbnails for YouTube” or “what is a lead magnet.”

And all the while, until you’re up and running, you’ll still be paying for leads on Zillow, running Facebook ads...or even cold-calling.

Or if you’re ready to give up cold-calling for once and for can work with me to learn exactly how to craft evergreen videos that bring in leads for you so that you can enjoy more game nights with family (or spa days for yourself) without sacrificing the growth of your business.

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