How Alex Hormozi Changed My Lead Generation in 2021 with One Question

Ever wonder how some agents seem to effortlessly attract a flood of leads while others struggle? The secret sauce might just be in crafting effective offers that are impossible to resist for lead generation.

In 2021, I crossed the seven-figure mark in my business, and it was all thanks to one pivotal question I learned from Alex Hormozi's book, "$100M Offers."

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s dive into the story, the strategies, and the tips that can help you replicate this success in your real estate business.

The Turning Point: My Million-Dollar Lead Generation Question

Back in the day, making $200,000 to $300,000 was mind-blowing to me. So, you can imagine how crossing the $1,000,000 mark in 2021 felt. It was all because of a game-changing question posed by Alex Hormozi: "How can you make an offer so enticing that someone would feel stupid if they said no?"

At first I thought, “Well THAT’S rude!” But then I thought more about it and realized exactly why it was such a great question.

Why is this question a game-changer? Because it really makes you think about this offer as a true lead generation strategy. Is it compelling enough? Is it valuable? Is it hard to find on their own? Would they willingly trade their contact info to get it, and yes, would they feel stupid if they turned it down?

It brings in more leads and lead generation is 90% of real estate. It attracts more clients, which also increases your income. It also frees up your time by making you more productive. And it helps you and your clients achieve better outcomes.

How Effective Offers Revolutionized My Lead Generation and Business

When I first downloaded "$100M Offers" in 2021, I had two full-time businesses: a real estate team and a coaching business for real estate agents. The strategies from this book were a goldmine. Here's how I applied them:

  • Developing Programs: I created programs that delivered essential information quickly and efficiently.

  • Overcoming Roadblocks: I helped clients overcome barriers that prevented their success.

  • Creating Lead Magnets: I created free downloads, video trainings, and other offers as lead gen strategies that were irresistible for the prospects

  • Networking: By joining conferences and masterminds, I connected with other entrepreneurs who shared valuable insights.

Effective Offers: The Magic Question

Despite having successful businesses, I was swamped with work, micromanaging everything. My lead generation process was also inefficient. This led to burnout and inefficiency. Alex Hormozi's question prompted me to rethink my approach: "How can I make an offer so enticing that someone would feel stupid if they said no?"

This question changed everything. Here’s why it works:

Lead Generation: Creating Irresistible Offers for Real Estate Agents

To make an offer that’s too good to refuse, follow these steps:

  1. Identify Your Audience: Who are you targeting? What are their pain points?

  2. Develop a Valuable Offer: Create a lead magnet that provides real value (e.g., relocation guides, essential gear checklists).

  3. Make It Easy: Ensure it’s easy to understand and use.


For real estate agents, my top-performing lead magnet was a relocation guide. It was concise, packed with valuable info, and solved a significant problem for military personnel moving to Savannah. This guide alone brought in hundreds of leads annually.

Effective Offers for Lead Generation: Implementing The Strategies

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating your own effective offers:

  1. Identify Your Target Client: Know who you are serving and what their specific problems are.

  2. Create a Lead Magnet: Develop a high-value, easy-to-consume resource.

  3. Promote Your Offer: Use various channels like your website, social media, and email lists to promote your lead magnet.

  4. Collect Information: Gather contact information in exchange for your valuable resource.

  5. Follow Up: Use the contact information to follow up and nurture leads.

Case Study: My Seven-Figure Success

In 2021, my business exploded because I applied these principles. Despite a Facebook crisis where my account was deleted, I survived and thrived because I had built a robust email list of 25,000 contacts. This experience taught me the importance of effective offers and lead generation.

Check out the full story in my YouTube video below for more insights and tips.

Lead Magnets: Generate Leads Automatically

Lead magnets are essential tools in your marketing arsenal. They not only attract potential clients but also provide you with valuable contact information that can be used for future marketing efforts. And I’ve created a lot of lead magnets that generate quality leads for me!

A well-crafted lead magnet:

  • Attracts Quality Leads: People who download your lead magnet are genuinely interested in what you offer.

  • Builds Trust: Providing valuable information for free establishes you as an authority in your field.

  • Facilitates Follow-Ups: Having contact information allows you to nurture leads through targeted follow-up emails.

Transform Your Lead Generation Today!

Ready to transform your lead generation? Steal my exact strategy for getting paying clients from YouTube. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to attract more leads and grow your business!

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Karin Carr has been a REALTOR since 2005 and real estate coach since 2018. Her YouTube videos have garnered more than 3.5 million views. She loves teaching real estate agents how to find real estate leads in a way that doesn’t require buying them from big corporations looking to put you out of business, or posting on social media all day just hoping to get a few likes and a couple of comments.

YouTube is Karin’s best method for attracting paying clients who see her value and happily hire (and pay) her to represent them in a real estate transaction. Coaching REALTORS is her true passion though and that’s where she spends the majority of her time these days. Her signature program, Video Boss Agent Academy, has helped thousands of real estate agents and mortgage professionals build businesses they love that are actually profitable.

Karin is the best selling author of YouTube for Real Estate Agents - Learn how to get free real estate leads and never cold call again.

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