ChatGPT for YouTube Video Scripts: How I Turned AI Into My Personal Scriptwriting Wizard

Do you find it challenging to create videos that truly resonate with your target audience? If so, welcome to the club! As a real estate agent trying to leverage YouTube, you might feel like you’ve tried everything—yet the views, leads, and engagement just aren’t flowing.

The good news? You're about to learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT, specifically for writing killer YouTube video scripts.

In this blog post, I'm sharing how ChatGPT became my secret weapon for video scripts that not only entertain but convert. And don’t worry, I’m not keeping all the good stuff to myself—by the end of this post, you'll have the tools you need to turn ChatGPT into your personal scriptwriting assistant too!

Why You Need ChatGPT for YouTube Video Scripts

Real estate agents, let’s be real: time is money. You're juggling showings, client meetings, and marketing, all while trying to build an online presence. Crafting YouTube videos that engage your audience (without spending hours scripting) can feel like an impossible task.

Enter ChatGPT—the AI-powered assistant that can churn out professional, engaging scripts while you focus on closing deals.

But here’s the catch: You can't just plug in any prompt and expect pure gold.

As the old saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. When using ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts, a generic or weak prompt will lead to stiff, robotic scripts that sound like they were written by your accountant (no offense, accountants). 

So how do you use ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts that are like Hollywood gold? Let me walk you through it.

Step 1: Start With a Story

Think your real estate videos just need facts and figures? Think again. People don't buy houses—they buy homes, and homes come with stories. ChatGPT thrives when you give it a narrative structure, like the Hero’s Journey. Using ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts works even for a real estate video.

Let me tell you, I had just landed my first big brand deal, and I was ecstatic. But I quickly realized this video couldn’t just be entertaining—it had to sell something. That’s when I turned to ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts. My initial prompts led to some super awkward, robotic scripts that would put my audience to sleep faster than a home inspection report.

But then I had an epiphany: I needed to make it personal. So I created a relatable character (someone like my target viewer) and took them on a journey. They wanted a dream home, but kept running into obstacles.

Spoiler alert: the solution was the product I was promoting, and suddenly the script started to sing. The result? A video that not only performed well, but also felt authentic to my brand.

Tip: Incorporate storytelling into your prompts. Instead of just saying, "Write a script about buying a house," try, "Write a script where the character is searching for a home but keeps encountering setbacks, until they find a real estate agent who changes their life."

Step 2: Train ChatGPT for Precision

Here’s where things get fun. Using ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts is smart, but the platform is not perfect on the first try (kind of like your kids' school projects). You need to refine the output. Tell it what worked and what didn’t. When I first started, I would say things like:

“Too formal—can you make it more casual?”

“This sounds too robotic. Make it more conversational.”

“I like this, but you’re giving away the secret too early. Build suspense!”

You want ChatGPT to give you the best it can, and to do that, you have to provide detailed feedback. It’s like training a puppy (except this puppy will write your video scripts instead of chewing your shoes).

Pro Tip: Always regenerate the response. Don’t just accept the first output from ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts. Keep tweaking the prompts and giving feedback until it nails your tone and voice.

Step 3: Hook ‘Em Fast (Like You Hook Home Buyers)

Here’s the deal: Your video’s first 30 seconds are critical. If viewers bail early, YouTube’s algorithm will push your video into obscurity faster than you can say, “Price drop!”

So how do you keep them watching? With a killer opening hook.

Here’s how you can generate hooks using ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts:

  • Brainstorm a few options. Tell ChatGPT what your video is about, who it’s for, and what the benefit is.

  • Refine and revise. ChatGPT will spit out some options—tweak the one that resonates with your style.

  • Keep it conversational and relatable. No one wants to feel like they’re watching a commercial for a mortgage company. Make it fun and engaging.

Want to see other examples? Check out my video using ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts here:

Step 4: Keep the Viewer Engaged—Throughout the Whole Video

Getting clicks is one thing. Keeping viewers watching until the end? That’s where ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts can really help.

A great way to do this is by breaking up your script into digestible chunks, using:

  • Bullet points and lists (people love a good list)

  • Short paragraphs (keep those eyes scrolling)

  • Strategic humor (no one wants to listen to a talking head drone on)

ChatGPT can also help you write a shot list. Yes, it can plan your camera angles, suggest where to add B-roll, and even tell you when to switch to over-the-shoulder shots. This makes your videos visually engaging, which keeps viewers watching longer.

Step 5: Call to Action (CTA) That Works

Real estate is all about the next step. You want your viewers to take action, whether it’s signing up for your newsletter or contacting you for a consultation. You can use ChatGPT for YouTube video scripts when writing the CTA.

Don’t just throw a CTA at the end—pepper them throughout your video!

For example, in my video, I asked viewers to hit the like button before diving into the juicy stuff. Then, I directed them to my pinned comment with a link to one of my offers. Always give clear instructions and make the next step easy for them.

Want More Tips Aside from Using ChatGPT for YouTube Video Scripts?

There are more tips and tricks I can share with you about growing your YouTube channel and boosting your real estate business. All you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter, and I’ll send you a free video training to help you get started!


Karin Carr has been a REALTOR® since 2005 and real estate coach since 2018. Her YouTube videos have garnered more than 3.5 million views. She loves teaching real estate agents how to find real estate leads in a way that doesn’t require buying them from big corporations looking to put you out of business, or posting on social media all day just hoping to get a few likes and a couple of comments.

YouTube is Karin’s best method for attracting paying clients who see her value and happily hire (and pay) her to represent them in a real estate transaction. Coaching REALTORS is her true passion though and that’s where she spends the majority of her time these days. Her signature program, Video Boss Agent Academy, has helped thousands of real estate agents and mortgage professionals build businesses they love that are actually profitable.

Karin is the best selling author of YouTube for Real Estate Agents - Learn how to get free real estate leads and never cold call again.

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