Boost YouTube Views with TubeBuddy: The Secret Weapon for Real Estate Agents

Picture this: you’ve just uploaded a YouTube video that you’ve poured your heart and soul into. Hours went into perfecting the script, editing was on point, and as you hit that “publish” button, excitement surges. The video performs well initially, ranking 2 out of 10 on your YouTube dashboard, and you think, “Yes! It’s working!”

But then… flatline. Nada. Zero. Crickets. You check your dashboard morning, noon, and night, yet the views remain stuck. What happened? Does the YouTube algorithm have a personal vendetta against you?

Here's the thing—there's a way to boost your YouTube views without rewriting scripts or taking acting lessons (though, props to you if you're up for that!).

I’m talking about how you can boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy, a tool I’m obsessed with and that you’re about to become equally obsessed with. In this post, I’ll show you how it can up your YouTube game, especially if you're a real estate agent looking to grow your channel.

Why Your YouTube Video Flatlines (and How to Fix It)

Here’s the hard truth: even the best content won’t get views if people don’t click on it. In YouTube land, the click is king.

So how do you get that click and boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy? Through thumbnails and titles.

It’s like curb appeal for your video; it’s what gets people to stop scrolling and start watching. And I’ve found the secret to making your thumbnails irresistible before you even hit publish—TubeBuddy’s Thumbnail Analyzer. It’s definitely one way to boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy.

How I Stopped Stinking at Making Thumbnails

Let me confess something: my early thumbnails were so bad that I’m amazed I got any views at all. I tried different colors, fonts, and layouts, but it felt like a total guessing game. Some thumbnails did okay, while others completely bombed.

I even tried hiring a designer, but I couldn’t explain what made one thumbnail click-worthy and another a dud.

Sound familiar? If you’re a real estate agent trying to figure out thumbnails, I feel your pain. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. TubeBuddy’s Thumbnail Analyzer changed everything for me, a welcome feature to help boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy.

The Secret Hack: Boost YouTube Views with TubeBuddy

The Thumbnail Analyzer is a total game-changer. It lets you predict how well your thumbnail will perform before you even publish your video. That’s right—TubeBuddy will tell you which thumbnail variation is more likely to get clicks and boost your views!

It’s super simple to use!

Make two different thumbnail variations—maybe one has a face, the other doesn’t. Or maybe you tweak the background or the text. Then, as you upload your video, you upload both thumbnails into TubeBuddy’s A/B testing tool. It will rotate the thumbnails and collect data to figure out which one performs better.

Imagine knowing that one tiny change could triple your views! Surely, this will help you boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy.

Boost YouTube Views with TubeBuddy: Split Testing Thumbnails

I’m a huge fan of A/B testing, and TubeBuddy makes it ridiculously easy to split-test thumbnails, even without leaving YouTube Studio. You can run tests for 2, 4, 8, 16, 30, or even 60 days (or until it hits statistical significance). The tool will automatically rotate your thumbnails and collect all the data to tell you which version performs better. It’s a no-brainer.

Want to see how I personally boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy and its split-testing feature? Check the full video here:

Real Estate Agents: Boost YouTube Views with TubeBuddy as Leverage

Now, let’s get specific for all you real estate pros out there. Whether you’re uploading property tours or real estate tips, your audience is browsing YouTube for quick solutions and eye-catching visuals.

TubeBuddy’s tools can help ensure you’re not only creating valuable content but also presenting it in a way that maximizes clicks and views.

TubeBuddy’s A/B Testing: Perfect for Real Estate Content

As a real estate agent, your YouTube content needs to stand out in a sea of listings and house tours. You might run A/B tests to figure out which thumbnail or title works better for a virtual tour of a stunning beachfront home versus a condo.

Maybe one thumbnail features a wide-angle view of the property while another highlights an inviting, up-close shot of the entryway. TubeBuddy’s A/B testing can help you pinpoint which visuals attract more clicks and, in turn, generate more views and potential clients. Doing the testing can help boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy.

Using TubeBuddy’s Keyword Explorer to Optimize Titles

Of course, thumbnails are only one piece of the puzzle to boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy. You also need an optimized title to boost your chances of being discovered.

Enter TubeBuddy’s Keyword Explorer. This tool helps you find keywords that not only have decent search volume but also low competition—your secret weapon to sneaking onto the Suggested Videos and Browse Features.

Let’s say you’re making a video about “Best Neighborhoods in [Your City] for First-Time Homebuyers.” TubeBuddy’s Keyword Explorer will analyze that phrase, tell you how competitive it is, and suggest alternatives that could potentially rank higher. It’s like having a YouTube SEO expert in your back pocket.

Haven’t tried TubeBuddy yet? Now’s your chance! Click this link and get 20% off any package. (That’s my affiliate link!) Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your YouTube strategy, TubeBuddy has all the tools you need to boost your YouTube views and grow your real estate business.

Conclusion: Time to Boost Your YouTube Game

Whether you're a seasoned YouTube creator or just starting out as a real estate agent, TubeBuddy is the tool you didn’t know you needed. From thumbnails to titles to SEO, TubeBuddy helps you unlock the potential of your channel. Why guess when you can know? Start using TubeBuddy today and watch your views soar.

If you found this blog helpful, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for weekly tips and strategies, including how to further boost YouTube views with TubeBuddy.


Karin Carr has been a REALTOR® since 2005 and real estate coach since 2018. Her YouTube videos have garnered more than 3.5 million views. She loves teaching real estate agents how to find real estate leads in a way that doesn’t require buying them from big corporations looking to put you out of business, or posting on social media all day just hoping to get a few likes and a couple of comments.

YouTube is Karin’s best method for attracting paying clients who see her value and happily hire (and pay) her to represent them in a real estate transaction. Coaching REALTORS is her true passion though and that’s where she spends the majority of her time these days. Her signature program, Video Boss Agent Academy, has helped thousands of real estate agents and mortgage professionals build businesses they love that are actually profitable.

Karin is the best selling author of YouTube for Real Estate Agents - Learn how to get free real estate leads and never cold call again.

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