Why 10-Minute Videos are Key to Real Estate Video Marketing Success

If you’re struggling to gain traction on your YouTube videos, you’re not alone. Many creators, especially in the real estate niche, face this challenge.

But what if I told you that creating 10-minute videos could be the difference between getting 25 views on a video and 2500?

My YouTube Channel as a Video Marketing Case Study

I've grown a real estate YouTube channel to over 17,000 subscribers and another channel for real estate agents to over 20,000 subscribers using this video marketing strategy. And I can walk you through how you can do the same.

This isn't a magic formula, but it’s a significant step towards boosting your credibility, getting more views, attracting more clients, and creating content people actually want to watch.

Understanding Video Marketing: Reasons to Create 10-Minute YouTube Videos

To be successful with video marketing, you need to understand first why creating 10-minute YouTube videos is beneficial to your channel.

Watch Time and Discoverability

YouTube’s primary goal is to keep viewers on the platform for as long as possible. When your videos are longer, even if viewers don’t watch the entire video, the total watch time is typically higher.

For instance, if you make a 10-minute video and viewers watch 40% of it, that’s 4 minutes of watch time. Compare this to a 3-minute video where viewers watch 80%—only 2 minutes and 40 seconds of watch time.

Longer videos help your channel perform better because the algorithm favors videos with higher watch times, giving them more impressions and, consequently, more clicks and views.

Detailed Analysis of Video Length Benefits

With 10 minutes, you have the luxury of diving deep into your topic.

Short-form content, like Shorts, can be restrictive, often forcing you to prioritize entertainment over information. Longer videos allow you to educate your viewers thoroughly, showcasing your expertise and establishing you as an authority in your market.

Plus, creating 10-minute videos isn’t as daunting as it seems. You can react to recent news, provide detailed analysis, or simply share your insights candidly without a script—just use bullet points to stay on track.

Attracting People in Research Mode

Your audience on YouTube is often in research mode, seeking answers to specific questions or solutions to their problems. These viewers are not casual scrollers; they are potential clients doing their initial research.

By creating longer, informative videos, you position yourself as the go-to expert they trust and rely on. This top-of-funnel content is crucial for building relationships and nurturing leads.

Building Relationships with Longer Videos

Longer videos give you more time to let your personality shine through. Viewers get a sense of who you are, your sense of humor, and your expertise. This personal connection is vital for building trust.

People are more likely to engage with and hire someone they feel they know and like. While it’s okay to say "like" and "um" occasionally, practice to minimize these fillers to maintain a professional image.

Creating Playlists and Series

Longer videos are perfect for creating playlists and series, encouraging viewers to binge-watch your content. This increases your watch time and signals to YouTube that your content is valuable, leading to more free retargeting.

YouTube promotes your videos more aggressively to viewers who have previously watched your content, creating a snowball effect of increased visibility and engagement.

For example, I created a series called “Unboxing Savannah” and other similar series for different towns, making it easier for viewers to find related content and stay engaged.

If you’d like further explanations for each reason why this creating 10-minute videos should be your video marketing strategy, watch the full video here:

Experimenting Short-Form Video Marketing in YouTube

I experimented with short-form content in the past. But I found out that it did not help grow my channel. Instead, it almost ruined it!

In contrast, my long-form content attracted serious clients who reached out to me for my services. And if you choose to publish 10-minute videos, you’ll also attract the same serious clients who will most likely reach out to you for your services.

The important thing to keep in mind is to provide valuable, educational content so you can establish authority and attract the right viewers.

Why This Video Marketing Strategy Works

Creating 10-minute videos can transform your YouTube channel by increasing watch time, improving discoverability, and establishing you as an authority in your field. Start incorporating this strategy into your content plan, and watch your channel—and your business—grow.

If you want to steal my exact video marketing strategy for getting paying clients from YouTube, download my FREE blueprint here. Learn why YouTube is the best method for getting clients in my 19 years as a realtor.


Karin Carr has been a REALTOR since 2005 and real estate coach since 2018. Her YouTube videos have garnered more than 3.5 million views. She loves teaching real estate agents how to find real estate leads in a way that doesn’t require buying them from big corporations looking to put you out of business, or posting on social media all day just hoping to get a few likes and a couple of comments.

YouTube is Karin’s best method for attracting paying clients who see her value and happily hire (and pay) her to represent them in a real estate transaction. Coaching REALTORS is her true passion though and that’s where she spends the majority of her time these days. Her signature program, Video Boss Agent Academy, has helped thousands of real estate agents and mortgage professionals build businesses they love that are actually profitable.

Karin is the best selling author of YouTube for Real Estate Agents - Learn how to get free real estate leads and never cold call again.

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